College Application Month – Educators
Welcome to Nevada’s College Application Month Campaign!!
If you are an educator within a Nevada high school and would like your campus to serve as an official CAM site, please contact .
If your school is already signed up, the Site Coordinator will be contacted regularly with information to make this event a success.
If you are from a Clark County School District high school, there will be continuing the Apply Nevada FAFSA Nights this year followed by college admissions application events during the school day. These events will be scheduled throughout October. These are larger, events for seniors and their parents to attend and complete FAFSAs. There will also be a tabling area to meet with college representatives and ask questions. Please see the website: for event dates, times, locations, and host high schools.
Not ready yet? Click here to learn more about what it means to be a CAM site: CAM Interest letter
Are you an Educator in a middle school? Are you looking for a resource/curriculum to work with students and their families? Check out the ACT/American College Application Campaign (ACAC) resource for middle school: 2019 ACAC-ACT-Pre-College and Career Readiness Curriculum for Students and their Families_FINAL . This resource is also applicable for high school students as well but ACT/ACAC found that those that implemented it felt it would be good for middle school students.
Resources available for High School Site Coordinators:
Site Coordinator Manual Part 1 – Pre-Event Planning and Student Preparation: 2020-CAM-SITE COORDINATOR MANUAL-Part1
Site Coordinator Manual Part 2 – During and After Your Event: 2020-CAM-SITE-COORDINATOR MANUAL Part 2
Event Recommended Timeline: Site-Coordinator-Timeline-2019
Event Checklist: Site Coordinator Checklist (rev June 2018)
Letter/Communication Templates: 2020 Templates
Data Collection:
We have sign-in sheets for students to use as they enter application events. When the event is over these sheets will be used to compile the information we need to send to the American College Application Campaign.
Please follow your school district’s FERPA rules on uploading this information. If you are able to upload the actual sign in sheet, our office will compile the information for you. It is fine if you need to black out some of the students on the list but please keep a running total of those students so we can still use them in the overall count. If you are not able to upload the sheets, the compiling will have to happen at the high school and you can send the compiled numbers to The information we need is:
1) How many seniors participated in your application events and
2) How many applications were submitted during your events.
Student Sign-in Sheet: We have sign-in sheets that can be used to track student participation and applications. The sign-in sheets should be used whether the high school coordinator or a college representative is hosting the event. If you already have something similar that you use, please continue to use what works for you. As long as the same information can be tracked and reported, a different system is fine. Sign in sheets and/or final counts are due by December 4, 2020. CAM-Sign-in-HS-CollegeRep
Tracking/Compiling Spreadsheet: Using this spreadsheet it optional. If you are compiling the information yourself, you may find it helpful but it is not required. Feel free to modify the sheet to your needs. CAM-Compile-Results
Data Submission Upload Link: Please upload sign-in sheets no later than Monday, December 4, 2020. Use this link to upload the sign in sheets to the secure Drop Box:
For the Clark County School District, we will be holding 11 Apply Nevada! FAFSA Nights, where there will be a tabling area to talk to college reps and there will be financial aid staff on hand to assist students and their parents with filling out the FAFSA. See the website, for more information.
Since the FAFSA is now released on October 1st, many financial aid workshops are run at the same time as application events. For a quick rundown of the FAFSA basics, read this document: NCAN-FAFSA-101.
Forms for Student Preparation:
College Research Worksheet for Students: College Research Worksheet editable_updated 4-10-19
College Application Worksheet for Students: College Application Worksheet editable_June2019 (1)
Student Instructions for Day of Event: Students Instructions-10 Steps for Applying_2019
What’s Next Form: Next steps for students after applying (revised April 2019)
Understanding Financial Aid Award Letters: Understanding Financial Aid Award Letters