Steps for Participating Students
Congratulations Senior! You’re about to make some important strides toward reaching your goals. To participate in Nevada’s College Application Month (CAM), follow these 4 easy steps:
STEP 1: Tell us about your Career and College Aspirations! By clicking here you agree to participate in a voluntary student survey about career and college aspirations which will help us improve this program. Your participation is voluntary and anonymous. Click here for the informed consent and additional information about the survey. When you are done with the survey (which should open in a separate tab), be sure to move to STEP 2.
STEP 2: Apply to your college or university of choice! During CAM, you will receive support in your high school to apply to college in Nevada and/or out-of-state. If you’d like to apply to a public college or university in Nevada, we’ve made it easy for you – take a look below. Click on a college logo to reach their admissions page.
STEP 3: Create your FSA ID now! This way, you’ll be able to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as it opens on January 1, 2016. To fully create your FSA ID, you will need to go through a verification process through your email. If your school does not allow you to access email, they may give you permission to use a phone or alternative device. Otherwise, you will need to complete the verification process from home tonight.
STEP 4: Follow the specific follow-up directions dependent upon your school site. Click on your school name to see what you should do now.
Basic Academy students – Click here!
Chaparral High School students – Click here!
Durango High School students – Click here!
Eldorado High School students – Click here!
Hug High School students – Click here!
Mojave High School students – Click here!
North Valleys High School students – Click here!
Spring Valley High School students – Follow the directions provided at your school site.
Valley High School students – Click here!
Veterans Tribute students – Click here!
Western High School students – Click here!
West Prep High School students – Click here!
What should you do when you’re done?
- Find us on Instagram @GoToCollegeNV and post about your experience during CAM! #nvCollegeAppMonth or #iapplied
- Post a photo of your confirmation page, a selfie with your future college gear, or a video of yourself telling where and why you applied!
- Visit regularly to keep up to speed and know what you need for college. The senior page lists steps month-by-month.
- Keep an eye out for FAFSA Completion Season and College Decision Days at your school. If your school is participating in College Application Month, then they’ll probably offer the same support for you as you complete the FAFSA. Stay tuned!
- Find us on any of our pages to stay updated with scholarship opportunities and words of advice.
- And don’t forget to speak to your school counselor regularly to discuss your plans!
Questions or comments? Email