FAFSA Completion Season — Educator

Recently, the release date for the FAFSA – the Free Application for Federal Student Aid was moved up to October 1st (previously January 1st of the following year). With this change, other college admissions and financial aid priority deadlines may have also moved up, some are now as early as November 1st.

We recommend an overlapping effort with College Application Month to assist students in completing their FAFSA in time to meet these priority deadlines, if applicable.

Below are guides/information you can give to students.




The National College Access Network has a helpful document: NCAN-FAFSA-101

You may also be interested in the information found on the Nevada FAFSA Tracker website. This site tracks FAFSA completions by high school. Visit: https://nevada.fafsatracker.com

Contact us at gotocollegenevada@nshe.nevada.edu for more information or assistance.