Become familiar with college terms such as bachelor’s degree, undergraduate, financial aid, tuition, professor, degree plan and full-time student status
Grade 8
Say out loud “I am going to college”
Be sure to take algebra in 8th grade – It is a jump start on math in high school!
Take a foreign language
Take the ACT ASPIRE assessment test to measure the skills and knowledge needed for college success
Become involved in leadership programs at school such as student government, theatre, JROTC or athletic teams
Talk to a counselor about Magnet Schools and Career & Technical Academies for high school – These schools have specialized programs in aviation, performing and fine arts, communications, law preparatory, veterinary and medical sciences, computer animation, engineering, and more
To learn more and apply for a Magnet Schools or Career and Technical Academies in Clark County, visit
See the Washoe County School District website for information on Magnet Schools in Washoe County.
Explore college and career information resources available online – Start at
If you have an idea of where you would like to go to college start to think about college budget and expenses – Tuition, books, and housing costs