2017 CoNVerge Registration Information
Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the CoNVerge Conference for this year. The planning committee will be meeting in the near future to discuss the next offering of this event. We hope that you will join us then. Please check this website or the conference Facebook and Twitter pages for information.
***Note: Registration fees include dinner on Sunday, November 5th; breakfast and lunch on Monday, November 6th; and breakfast and lunch on Tuesday, November 7th.
***Refund Policy: Registration fees are fully refundable through Sunday, October 29th, 2017. Please email GoToCollegeNevada@nshe.nevada.edu with refund requests. No refunds will be processed after October 29th. Refunds will be by check only regardless of how the initial payment was made. Please allow 3 weeks for processing of refunds.
For questions related to registration, contact CoNVerge Registration Subcommittee Chair, Janet Stake, at janet_stake@nshe.nevada.edu