What is CoNVerge?


In 2015, a small planning committee of college access professionals started planning the first Nevada-specific conference geared towards P-12 and higher education professionals as well as government and community organizations working on college access and success across the state. The inaugural event was held on December 8-9, 2016, on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. We are pleased to say that the event was well attended and the feedback was very positive.

In 2019, the second CoNVerge Conference will be held on the Nevada State College campus in Henderson, NV. The dates of the event are March 20th – 22nd.

Known as CoNVerge: College Access and Success for All Nevadans, the purpose of the conference is to bring together college access practitioners, researchers, and community champions for networking and collaboration, professional development, and to iNVigorate the college access community within Nevada.

This year’s conference theme is: College eNVy: A Promising Future.

Contact us with any questions at (775) 784-3445 or GoToCollegeNevada@nshe.nevada.edu.